Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sept. 29-30: Illinois, across the Mississippi River, Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado.

After having a late breakfast in Joliet, Illinois, we continued our journey on I-80 and traveled through Iowa (Cedar Rapids and  Des Moines), Nebraska (Omaha and Grand Island), and finally, ended our day in Denver, Colorado. Iowa was beautiful as farmlands go; gentle rolling hills, cornfields, bright fall colors and of course, red barns and silos. Nebraska and eastern Colorado, on the other hand,  were flat and very dry-not an area I would visit again. We were happy to see Denver which was beautiful. We didn't stop and explore the city because it was getting late, and we needed to set up camp for the night. We drove into the  foothills of the Rockies just outside of Denver. Since the weather was getting very cold (in the 30's), and there was a chance of rain, we decided to stay in a cabin instead of our tent. We rented a very nice rustic one (without running water, only heat) at Golden Gate Canyon State Park just outside of the City. It was great.

Cabin #3

Fall colors in Golden Gate Canyon State Park, Colorado

 Very cozy cabin #3

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